Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mom and Dad in Prague

Mom and Dad took it easy on Monday while I worked on studio stuff and went to class. Tuesday we did the Castle walk and I wore them out pretty good. We started the day at Bohemian Bagel- of course and then took the tram to the castle. I have been saving a few new things for me each time that people come and visit so when I went to the Cathedral inside of the castle (for the 5th time) we paid to go beyond the entrance lobby. It was better then I expected. There was a pamphlet that gave information on important relics and alters and also a staircase that took you under the cathedral to where kings and the royal family were buried.

We also went to Le Perle de Prague. It is a very nice restaurant in the top floor of the dancing house, a famous modern building in Prague. The food was so good and it was really cool to be able to be inside of the Frank Gehry building. The light fixture reminded me of the Harry Potter movie when Harry is flying after the keys with wings.

Wednesday I have class ALL DAY LONG- which wouldn’t be a problem if I was at K-State, but compared to my other days here in Prague it’s a rough day, I have 4 classes back to back between 8:45 and 3:30. Anyway, mom and dad had to entertain themselves during the day, and the US country presentation was that night so we went out for a late dinner in a restaurant I call the “neighborhood pub”. They have the best chicken meal I have found here.

Every Wednesday a different group of students from each country give a presentation about the country they are from; last week was the US turn. Our presentation went really well, we made a video of a road trip through America stopping in cities along the way and showing photos of what the city was known for while playing music about the city. I would say our presentation was the best so far- but I’m not biases.

Friday we got up early and took a train to Českĕ Krumlov. It was the most uncomfortable train yet. Usually in a cabin there are 3 seats on each side, so 6 people in each cabin well this train had 8 people in each cabin. It was crowded and smelly- people really need to shower more.

Cesky Krumlov is a cute little town. We stayed in a really nice apartment/hotel that was actually apart of one of the courtyards of the castle and not far from the town center. I had a room all to my self on the other end of the apartment and the bathroom was as big as my dorm room here in Prague.

We went to a jazz club that was really nice. There was a group playing named Work in Progress. And on Saturday night we went to mass at the Catholic Cathedral for Easter Vigil. It was huge and freezing, we had to stop on the way home to get hot chocolate so we could thaw out before bed.

Dad brought his old SLR film camera that he bought about 25 years ago. I am taking a photography class and our teacher wanted us to learn on a “real” camera as he calls it. So dad taught me how to use the camera and I just got my first roll of film developed today!! I feel like a professional with all of my gear on.

Sunday we got back on the train and luckily it was not as crowded. We stopped in Českĕ Budĕjovice and tried to take a tour of the (original) Budweiser Brewery but it didn’t work out and we ended up having a really good meal at their restaurant.

I took mom and dad to the airport on Monday morning- really early Monday morning. And then spent the rest of the day and Tuesday recovering from my two weeks of being a personal tour guide- I was pooped, but I had a great time.

1 comment:

Bruce Hagy said...

You forgot to mention all the beer, we had so much GREAT beer in Berlin and Prague. Big Beers, half liters were about $1.50 each and all very good. Budvar Brewery has three different types so we had one of each: Light 10 degree beer, Special 12 degree beer and a very good dark beer.
