Sunday, June 3, 2007

It’s Officially Summer

The last two weeks I have been hanging around Prague and doing school work. I am done with all of my classes; I have my all of my grades- I passed- no worries.
I have also been going to a few operas and ballets. Brittany and I saw opera Aida last week at the State Opera House. The singers were really good but we were confused about what was going on because they were not very good actors. It didn’t help that the opera is set in Egypt, sung in Italian with subtitles in Czech (on a digital screen above the stage). We had to read the program to understand the storyline.

Next a bunch of us went to see a ballet of Cinderella. I was a little corny, in stead of under-acting like in Aida they were over-acting- I guess it is for children. Overall it was a very good performance. There were a few differences to the normal story line, for example Cinderella’s father was alive. My favorite part was at the end when the prince found Cinderella and then they walked off stage in a misty fog- to live happily ever after of course.
And finally, last night Carrie, my roommate and our friend Sally went to see Swan Lake. I was really excited because it was shown at the National Theater, and it was my first time to see a show there. Also, I had heard so much about Swan Lake. Carrie was really excited about the tutus. It might have been due to the fact that I didn’t get much sleep the night before, but the performance was really long… I mean LONG. It was beautiful and I am glad that I got to see it.

I have learned that I enjoy seeing plays and musicals more then ballets and operas, I think it’s the words that make the difference (like jazz- right dad?). I am looking forward to the Muny. I just looked it up on-line and I’m sooooo going to Grease the week I get home. And then to Hello, Dolly!


Bruce Hagy said...

That's right Emily, Jazz is smooth...

Uncle Bob said...

Have we lost you to Prague or are you still thinking about coming home
Uncle Bob