Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Studio project and Telč

Monday with studio professor, his assistant, and the rest of the studio (about 15 people) we traveled to the site of our project just outside of Brno, about 2 hours from Prague. We took a small bus and there was a crazy driver so I had to sleep for most of the driving.

My project is a “bunker house” during the cold war the Russians built bunkers for missiles pointed at the US and then hid them under mounds of dirt. The area has been purchased by a developer and they want to turn the land into a high-end housing development. The developers asked 10 architects to design a house for one of the 20 something sites, one of which was my professor. The designs that come from the architects will be part of a brochure for the clients who are interested in the site. My professor told the developers that my studio would be doing this project and they are excited to see the results when we are done. If the developers like our projects, some of them could be in the brochure and possible be built in real-life. That would be so cool!

After the site visit we all ate lunch and then took a short drive to Telč. It is a beautiful city that is artificially surrounded by water. At 5 pm on a Monday the town was mostly deserted. But I think I got a few good photo in.

1 comment:

Bruce Hagy said...

Hey Emily,

A couple more nice pictures. The missle silo project sounds very interesting.
